A Black Body is often used in Thermal Radiometry Applications as a very precise reference temperature. Due to the physics behind the technology used by thermal cameras for temperature measurement, uncertainties and unknowns can affect the reading, such as the air in between the camera and the object measured. This uncertainty increases with distance as there is more air and humidity to pass through. Therefore the Black Body is used to provide an accurate reference temperature, and anything above (or below) this value could trigger an event or alarm.
The accuracy of Thermal Camera measurement is a key parameter in the efficiency of detection of people with elevated temperature. This Black Body has been specially designed for this purpose. Fully IEC standard compliant.
at human fever temperature.
IEC 80601-2-59 standard compliant
through certificate of calibration.
to the Thermal Camera, thus avoiding any error in temperature reading whatever the environment conditions of the Thermograpgh Screen.
With globalization, international trade and travellers are increasing, spreading viruses such as SARS, Avian Flu, Swine Flu, H1N1 or COVID-19 Coronavirus to infect quickly. International Transit locations such as airports are now being equipped with IR thermal radiometry cameras to assess the body temperature of travellers in real time. The aim is to detect any person whose body temperature is abnormally elevated.